How would


Advance TLH?

Illustration of four people sitting at a table taking notes and looking up at a bright lightbulb that represents ideas

When the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce was established 100 years ago, we had a vision for our great city. While we have accomplished a lot, there is still work to do.

Did you know we need to create 9,500 net new jobs by 2030 for Tallahassee to remain competitive? It’s time to come together once again to address challenges like this and establish where we want to go next.

It all starts with a simple question:

How would you TLH?

We invite you to share your ideas, to brainstorm, to collaborate – but most importantly, to continue the momentum in growing our community together.

Our future is bright, and it requires all of us working together to define the vision for this region.

Our Priorities

Icon of a handshake
Icon with a hand holding a lightbulb
Talent, Workforce,
& Education
Icon with money bar graph
Economic Competitiveness
Icon with a group of four people
Community & Prosperity

Our Opportunities


Our population will increase by an estimated 18,000 by 2030.


Tallahassee trails every comparable city in the Southeast in private job growth.


 We need to create 9,500 net new jobs by 2030 for Tallahassee to remain competitive.


Our unemployment rate hovers around 2.6% and yet we still have two open jobs for every job seeker.


30% of our population is considered Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE), or “working poor.”


We invite you to submit your suggestions and comments on how our community can address our opportunities and challenges to grow.

All entries are anonymous.

two illustrated hands holding a lightbulb

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